The “Export your replies (.json)” and “Export in WordPress format (.wxr)” are throwing up the 502 Bad Gateway error. The latter option crashed the Mac app. Click on “The Export HTML and Uploads (.zip)” does nothing.
The “Export in blog archive format (.bar)” and the “Export theme and Markdown (.zip)” worked.
I deleted a bunch of (photos-only) posts to reduce my footprint and re-downloaded the .bar archive. Previously, it un-zipped just fine but now I am getting this error.
Sorry about the errors. I’m going to move the WXR export to a background task so it doesn’t time out for very large blogs, since right now it tries to collect all the posts together at once, and that just falls over for many thousands of posts.
The .zip is something else, though. Will have to investigate, I haven’t seen that before.
This is a longshot, but have you tried another unarchiver besides Archive Utility? I don’t have direct experience with exports, but the unarchiver that comes with macOS sometimes fails with archives that other tools, like The Unarchiver, handle without issue. Again, it’s a longshot, but maybe worth trying.
I’ve completely rewritten the WXR export. It honestly was terrible before and would easily meltdown for large blogs. It now exports your posts in the background, creates a .zip of the .xml file, and emails you when the file is ready.
Let me know if it doesn’t work or if there are any compatibility problems when importing on the WordPress side!