Error building site doesn't disappear

Hey people, I keep getting an error (7, really) that my site isn’t building correctly.

On the design page I see “Theme error: Error building site: logged 7 error(s)”. I cannot for the life of me figure out what modification that I made to the theme is causing those issues.

I’m running a customized version of Marfa wth Hugo at v0.91.

Take a look at the logs, they might hint at what’s going on.

Sadly they don’t. They just state the above and don’t offer any more detail. @manton can you please help shed some light on this?

Sorry for missing this. I may need to dig in to the other log files and see what the error is. Sometimes for multiple errors can’t bubble up the Hugo errors into the usual place so they are visible.

Does it look like there are any actual problems with your blog when browsing it?

Thanks for taking a look.
It doesn’t appear that the site has issues building, no.

I suspect some embed code from a couple of my older posts is throwing the engine off but I’d like to be sure.

Hey there!
I keep seeing these errors pop up and there doesn’t appear to be a way for me to do anything about them. I made sure to update my design template as well.

Can you help me with this?

Not sure if this helps, but I came across this error yesterday when I was playing around with my blog, mine said the same generic thing with (2) errors. At this point my site was still up and working fine.

I ended up removing my custom theme, removing unused plugins, and updating any leftover plugins. Then I did a full site rebuild which took down my site (it couldn’t rebuild). But the error message at that point did change in the “Account” → “Logs” area to bad YAML token in one of my posts… thankfully it also had the URL of the post

So then I went and found the post under “Posts” and it turns out one of my markdown image tags was double nested i.e. I had ![screen shot of the Android app daily view]([]( ). Strange since this post was from January this year and I hadn’t seen this error before, but deleting the post did fix the error.

Not sure I’d recommend doing what I did because I can’t guarantee that the real error will surface and/or that your error is the same I had. But, depending on how many posts you have, check the markdown around images or links?

That’s definitely helpful, thank you. It confirms one of my suspicions. I’d love not to have to rebuild the entire site if I can help it.

Maybe Manton can chime in and let me know if there’s a way I can find exactly which posts or which part of the theme is causing these errors.