Embed previews are incorrect

I think this a bug with the new editor. Using the built-in embed button results in a post that looks right, but previewing it has some weirdness. It’s prevented me from using the embeds for a while until I tested it just now.

With cross-posts, publishing a mistake means running around and fixing it in a bunch a places, so I’m less likely to give the editor/preview the benefit of the doubt these days. Hoping it continues to get smoothed out.

Hmm. I spoke too soon. They don’t seem to play nicely with replies.

What built-in embed? I don’t think the micro.blog timeline supports embeds at all.

The Quoteback embed button on every post in the timeline.

Yeah, those at best show up as block quotes in the timeline I think. Your post on Studio Neat shows up properly formatted as a block quote for me.

Right right, and they do show up correctly as a regular post. But when previewing them in the editor they’re not displaying properly, nor do they publish correctly in a reply.

ah, replies are not processed the same I’m almost positive they are even further restricted. The preview thing stinks (I just never use it like a careless oaf).

As someone who likes to round up fun posts using that embed feature and stick them in a thread, it’s much harder and less satisfying when it doesn’t work in replies like it used to.