Editing crossposting of drafts?

I just noticed that drafted posts seem to lose the ability to edit how they are cross-posted. The little “…” menu in the upper right corner of the screen goes away with a drafted post. I’d love to have a fix for this for a whole bunch of reasons (not all of my posts should be cross-posted the same way). Plus, I’ve been enjoying the plugin for Obsidian that sends a draft right from Obsidian to micro.blog as a draft, but if I use that, I then lose the ability to control how the post is sent out when I publish.


This is a problem for me nearly every day. I have to copy the code for the draft post, delete the draft, re-enter the code as a new post and set cross-posting from there. Inconvenient.

So we can prioritize this, are you mostly using the web version of Micro.blog or the apps?

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Perhaps the Obsidian plugin can include the cross-posting options too. @donnydavis has done an excellent job with an Action for Drafts that does that.

In this context: The web version.

When I want to edit cross-posting options in a draft, I have created the post in Ulysses, which then publishes and opens a draft in the web app.

There are other times that I use the app to post, but so far I haven’t run into a need to change cross-posting options in those cases.

Same as MitchWagner, this is an issue for me in the web UI, I haven’t been using the apps to access, and my primary workflow is through the site (or my Obsidian integration with the site). Thanks for looking into this!

I’ve made this change. Now when editing a draft on the web, the cross-posting checkboxes appear. After a post is published, you can’t edit the cross-posting because it has already been sent to other services. Thanks y’all!

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Now that is some awesome-fast turnaround, thanks so much!