Edit a post's frontmatter?

Is there a way to edit a post’s frontmatter? I have a post where the images do not show up in photos front matter, and I’d like to be able to fix it.

The short answer is no.

The longer answer is also no, at least not in an easy way. That said, there are some inventive approaches you could take. For instance, you could create a custom theme and manually include your post there, which would give you full access to the frontmatter. Alternatively, you might rely on certain implementation details to access the frontmatter, but this approach is very hacky and could break if those details are updated in the future.

@manton has previously mentioned that he would love to add support for frontmatter, so there’s hope it might be officially supported someday.

In the meantime, perhaps you could use .Params.images as a workaround?

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@sod Thank you for the incredibly helpful answer :tada: