DNS Help Please

I have created a one-page Micro.blog site at https://amerpie-obsidian.micro.blog
I want it to resolve to https://obsidian.amerpie.lol
I have set my DNS records as pictured but it is not resolving. What do I need to change? Thanks for any help.

Just checked and it looks like it’s resolving for me now. With DNS there are often delays. Your DNS record list looks exactly right.

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Thanks, Manton. I was in seeing Dune while DNS was fixing itself.

@manton May I piggyback on this issue? I sent email to Help over the weekend, and the world won’t end, but…I moved my www.mguhlin.org domain over. I had planned to use it with my new micro.blog, but decided after fiddling with it all, to just get a new domain name (mgblog.org).

The new one (mgblog.org) is working great, and I don’t want to mess that up in any way. However, now I want to point the old domain name www.mguhlin.org to its original location. How would I do that? Where is the auth code for moving it?

I apologize that I didn’t think things through a little better, and for any extra work my hastiness caused.

With appreciation,
Miguel Guhlin