DNS, CSS, or?

Howdy folks!

I seem to have done something totally out of my understanding to my blog which has disappeared it from its root directory (although subdirectory-based services like redirects are still working fine??), and also caused this recurring error message:

Theme error: Error building site: “content/bookmarks.md:9:1”: failed to extract shortcode: template for shortcode “bookmarks” not found

I’ve tried uninstalling all plugins and rebuilding (including custom themes) as well as re configuring my custom domain. I am completely stumped.

Pertinent info:

What I would ask from you, if possible, is a place to start? I would like to do the footwork myself.

Thank you so much!

On your bookmarks page, there’s a shortcode in use (bookmarks) that Micro.blog (Hugo) can’t find. Here are possible solutions:

  • Stop using the bookmarks shortcode on that page.
  • Delete the entire page.
  • Install the plug-in called Bookmarks Shortcode.
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brilliant! thank you so much. (I deleted the page lol.)