I set the custom domain in the “Design” section to “ceelian.net”.
The issue I am experiencing is, that while the main domain “ceelian.net” has the most recent content. The subdomain “www.ceelian.net” is kinda stuck with an outdated version of my microblog.
Sorry, this is fixed now for your blog. There seems to be an issue when changing from using “www” to using the root domain that it does not immediately start redirecting the “www” version. I’ll improve this, but shouldn’t happen again for you.
@manton hey there! I hope it’s okay to reply in this old thread — I’m having this exact same issue. My root domain (simonpeng.net) points to the current version of the site, but the www subdomain brings up an out of date version.
I noticed that if I switch the site to use the www subdomain as the primary address, it updates, but then the root domain becomes out of date, and vice-versa.
Is there a fix for this on my end or do you guys need to work some magic behind the scenes like you did above?
I sent an email to the help@ address about this but I guess you guys are probably a bit backed up there cause I never heard back.
I’ll reply in email too, but just a quick answer here that this is supposed to automatically adjust, but clearly there’s a bug. I’ve fixed it for your account so the older version always redirects and isn’t using a stale copy of blog posts.