I’ve changed the CSS in my Tiny Theme at seanmcdevitt.net, and it won’t take. Right now, the background is white, but I’ve edited it to be a light tan in the CSS. I updated the theme, but the color change has not gone into effect. I changed the font color on links from blue to black, and that saved. I’m not sure what I need to do differently.
I resolved my issue on Blog does not load CSS by transforming my custom theme into a plugin. I added a plugin.json file in the root folder, to ensure that micro.blog incorporated the custom CSS and other static files needed for my custom theme, like this:
"version": "1.0",
"title": "My Customization",
"description": "This is my customization",
"includes": [
Please note that all the paths listed in includes are relative paths pointing to files stored inside the static folder, so for example /images/logo.png is actually referencing /static/images/logo.png.
For further information about plugin.json please have a look at this documentation: ℹ️ Plug-ins
I have a lot of catching up to do. Thank you everyone for trying to work through or around this.
Several days ago I made an optimization for how /static files were handled. It dramatically improved performance when you had a theme that had (for example) a bunch of fonts or other large files.
I suspect that something with custom CSS broke along the way. CSS is still working on my blog, so there must be a subtle different with certain themes.
It looks like the default Tiny CSS gets loaded, and not my custom theme (cloned from a repo). The css in the custom one is located at static/CSS/main.css. I have completely rewritten the CSS, so it’s clear it only loads the one from the plugin.
Also, I can’t uninstall the Tiny Theme plugin (even though I’m on the top Micro.blog plan). Will try the workaround by installing my custom theme as a plugin!
Glad to see you’re working on optimisation, though! Updating the CSS via Edit theme has been quite flaky lately.