I set up a scheduled post a few days ago. It posted to mb ok but it was cross-posted to Bluesky when I definitely deselected that when I saved it.
Can this be fixed?
I set up a scheduled post a few days ago. It posted to mb ok but it was cross-posted to Bluesky when I definitely deselected that when I saved it.
Can this be fixed?
I haven’t been able to reproduce this yet but I’ll test some more. Scheduled posts should respect the cross-posting preferences just like any normal post. The preference must be getting lost somewhere along the way.
I think I have recreated it. I have just created a test post. It is scheduled for a few minutes away.
It is excluded from the category that is published to the mb timeline.
I deselected Bluesky.
I hit Publish and all looked good.
From the Posts page I hit Edit in the post. And I can see that Bluesky is selected again.
I’ll see what happens in a few minutes.
Ok. That’s good. It didn’t crosspost to Bluesky.
I am still testing. I have 2 more posts scheduled to test. Because I have found the Bluesky box is becoming selected again when I go to edit. But I have found sometimes it’s remaining unselected.
I’m not sure what I’m doing differently. So I think just see if it comes up again?
There’s definitely some issue with the check box. But maybe it doesn’t necessarily translate to an erroneous cross-post.
thanks anyway @manton
Thanks for testing! If there’s an issue with the checkbox, that is definitely something to fix… I can see how it might lead to cross-posting problems if someone clicks and doesn’t notice that the checkbox is wrong.
I couldn’t replicate today so will just keep an eye on it. Thanks