Confirmation of Mastodon site verification with custom domain

I have my blog here and my mastodon account on, and have been trying to get it verified for some time now. Just today, with one small change, it looks like it’s working.

I set up my custom domain name and switched it over on weeks ago and that worked seamlessly. No issues there.

I added the rel=“me” link tag to the head partial and confirmed that it appeared in the rendered HTML. I then linked back to my blog in my Mastodon profile. It would not appear as verified no matter what changes I made. I even tried using the Meta plugin, but that did nothing, either.

However today I noted that in my MB profile, my site field was still showing the address. I updated that to my custom domain. I then added a link in my profile to the MB subdomain, just to see if that would verify.

When I checked Mastodon again, my custom domain was verified. I removed the subdomain, and the custom domain remains verified.

@manton can you please confirm that the profile domain needs to match the applied custom domain in order to properly verify on Mastodon? Thanks!