
Still finding my footing on I know that setting up a blog here requires me to turn off the Cloudflare proxying until the connection is made. And I’ve learned that doing so when there are certificate issues on can help. My question: Is there even a reason for me to have Cloudflare proxying turned on? I only set up an account there while still on WordPress to improve my page rendering speeds, but that shouldn’t be an issue for sites, right?

The one useful Cloudflare feature I’d like to keep shouldn’t require proxying: “always on”, where they serve the site from the Wayback Machine when necessary. If anyone continues to use Cloudflare, how does it help you with does not need you to setup cloudflare. Also, make sure CDN images is on (I think it’s on the design page and in by default).

Another potential Cloudflare advantage comes to mind: bulk redirect lists (not needed at present). But what really matters, I suppose, is what harm Cloudflare might causes on the backend of things. Is it only trouble when server certificate issues are in play? Or should I be aware of other (potential) problems? @help @manton