I have 15 posts in my “Weeknotes” category.
I only see 5 posts on Weeknotes | cygnoir.net
I’ve rebuilt my site about 30 minutes ago.
I have 15 posts in my “Weeknotes” category.
I only see 5 posts on Weeknotes | cygnoir.net
I’ve rebuilt my site about 30 minutes ago.
Hmm, interesting. So, are you seeing these posts correctly marked up with categories in the Micro.blog interface? Via your search, I found week 22 and week 26 and they both list #Foibles as the only category they belong to. Is that reflective of what you see if you look up those posts in the Micro.blog app/web app?
Yes, I’m seeing 15 posts in the Weeknotes category, all with both Foibles and Weeknotes categories assigned, like I want them to be.
Weird! And no error messages in the logs?
None that I could find, no.
Okay, sorry, @cygnoir, but I’m afraid that’s all I’ve got. It feels like a build-related problem, as you see the categories assigned in the Micro.blog interface. But it’s hard to troubleshoot further when there are no error messages to go on. I think this is something the almighty @manton has to look into.
This is still an issue … @manton, do you know what I can do to fix it, please?
@manton @sod I have had a similar problem on TIL for a while. I can’t remember exactly when I noticed the change but as you can see in the “Tips” category the filtering doesn’t work at all.
Just posting this here in case both issues share something in common for the fix. I posted about this previously: Primrose theme redirects, category pages, and Hugo compatibility
@manton, now my Weeknotes category page only shows one post (the most recent one). According to my categories page, there are 15 posts in the category.
@cygnoir Sorry, that was probably because I was just running the page publishing one step at a time to try to understand why this is happening. Will be fixed in a minute.
I can confirm that there are definitely 15 posts that should be showing up, and all the content looks correct before it is run through Hugo. So something in the theme must be interfering, I think. Hope to solve it soon.
Okay, I’m seeing all 15 posts now on the category page! To be honest I’m not sure what happened. Maybe by fiddling with it I unstuck something. Please let us know if the problem pops back up again.
Hooray, looks great! Thank you.