Can categories be added to posts imported from a feed?

I am trying to import posts from an RSS feed into Micro Blog. I would like the posts to be automatically tagged with a category.

I am unable to find the option to do this… What is the best way to achieve this?

Yes, you can. But you need something that’s constant in the content of the feed. Does it contain a URL with a specific domain? Or contain a specific emoji? You can then set up a filter to assign a category.

Thanks. I am trying to use Scribble as I like the post creator UI there. The imported post has image URLs referring to the Scribbles CDN. May be I can use them to categorise the posts.

But I would like micro blog to import the images as well and store it here. But that is another feature request.

Maybe the filters need a “source URL” setting, too, for purposes where the content doesn’t contain any differentiating elements #FeatureRequest