Beginner questions; remove posts and downgrade possible if I try Premium?


An advert for has led me to test out - a good happenstance, I’d not heard of before and I am looking for a nice medium between my hugo blog, the ability to share what I post elsewhere (e.g. LinkedIn, BlueSky, Insta, YouTube, …).

So I sign up and without thought pay the $1 to post. I’ve had a look around and liking what I see. :slight_smile:

I have two questions at the moment:

  1. I have created posts and then edited them so I can back-date posts (linking to my youtube videos). However the original posts remain on the published site but not in the admin panel (let me know if you’d like screenshots).
  2. I’m certain I will upgrade to and I’d like to try out notes, especially if there is an Android App. I’m happy to pay $10 for a trail, howevere I do not what to get stuck on it if I don’t find the app useful. Can I downgrade easily?

(fyi, not 100% sure but I figure I’m happy to jump in and try premium thanks to starting with .one and liking what I saw - i.e. .one looks like a nice hook :raised_hands: )

As I am writing this I have an interesting but not that import question with regards to where I’m at:

  • Do you have any plans for the post user interface?

I ask as it’d be great to just smack in a youtube link and it automatically does the thumbnail (saves me typing {{< youtube blah >}} and then editing the post as my autocorrect has changed it to Youtube and the tag is case sensitive :man_shrugging: :upside_down_face: )

Thanks in advance,

Welcome! This plugin might do what you want for the YouTube links.

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Thanks for joining! There’s not a separate trial for Premium, but you can downgrade any time. It will prorate the charges so you’ll be credited with any extra amount you’ve already paid.

There is an Android app for notes: Strata. The Android version sometimes lags a little behind iOS, but we’re trying to get better about updating both at the same time. We have a big new version in beta testing now.

For the published blog getting out of sync, when changing dates or importing posts this can sometimes happen because of how is optimized for getting new blog posts out quickly. It will eventually get in sync, but to help it along there’s a Rebuild button on Account → View logs.

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Thanks both for the info. I decided to go a step at a time, have upgraded to for now so I can cross post and figure out how to set up an IndieWeb presence correctly :+1: