Amplify your posts: Any ideas how to get them seen by more people?

Any ideas as to how to use SEO & posts?
Thank you,

When it comes to search engines, blogs don’t really differ from other websites. Here’s a resource on how to make your site more search-friendly.

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Thanks Sven

Don’t worry about throwing your email address in here, Hershy. The system will notify you when you get a response, and I’d hate for you to get junk mail because it was scraped from a public resource. Great question, though!

I addition to SEO, you might want to consider cross-posting with social media. It’s located in Settings > Sources. I cross-post to Mastodon, Bluesky, and Tumblr, but there are others, like LinkedIn, as well. Whatever you post to your blog gets copied (and formatted) to the other services. It’s quite nice. I’ve got 120 followers on Mastodon alone with this process.

I hope that helps :slight_smile: