All linebreaks missing from a long post!

Second time this has happened in a week: I wrote a long post in Drafts, cut-and-paste it into the web editor, hit preview and it looked fine.

I hit publish and walked away — only to come back hours later to find that all the paragraph breaks were missing from the article.

Very frustrating! I worked on that post for hours.

I’m using the Sumo theme but I don’t think this problem is related to the theme, because I use MB to cross-post to Tumblr and I see the same problem there.

As I have said before, I really wish you would focus on fixing bugs in As of now I cannot recommend MB to other people, particularly if those other people use blogging for anything other than a hobby.

Hi - just to say this happens to me occasionally too, and I don’t use Sumo so agree it’s probably not the theme.

Mostly for me it’s when I paste from obsidian - so probably also not drafts related! But it only happens now and then for me - I’m not yet sure how why it sometimes works fine but not always.

My impression is that my problem started when the new web editor was introduced, but I’m not certain.

This does sound like a copy/paste problem with the new editor. Investigating.

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If you are writing in Drafts then why not use an Action to send it to instead of cut-pasting? There are actions that let you post as a draft so you can edit in before publishing.

Good question and I do use those actions. Two of them as a matter of fact: One just posts with a click, the other lets me select categories and cross-posting options first.

Sometimes, however, I want to take advantage of’s preview function to see how the post will look – make sure I closed all my links and all that. Ironically, this attempt to preserve formatting will sometimes make formatting a disaster.

Another answer: Muscle memory. Sometimes I just cut-and-paste into the form without really thinking about it. I blog fast. Usually I write, publish and move on.

Not sure if it’s related, but since the new editor came out I have had 2-3 times when I wrote a long-ish post within the editor, did a preview, it all looked fine, then hit Post and came back to find that a portion of the post had line breaks removed. This happened to me just yesterday, where the bulk of the post was fine, but the section under the last heading was all collapsed. That section included an h3 (### in markdown), then a bullet list, then a paragraph of text.

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