Adding the "About" to the blogroll

Hi, me again about this –

we can have multiple blogrolls, so if I have an emacs dedicated blogroll, I should be able to use this code:

{{ range .Site.Data.blogrolls.emacs }}
      <li><a href="{{.url}}">{{ .name }}</a>: {{ .about }}<br></br></li>
{{ end }}

right? assuming of course I place it in layouts/shortcodes/jtr-blogroll-emacs.html?

And then calling it would be {{ < jtr-blogroll-emacs > }}. So what am I missing?

The spaces between {{ and < I think.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

I’m sorry for this stupid overlook… I’m not even sure why there was a space there. It works now. Thanks for being so patient with me!