Well, say, for example, that I would like to reply to this blog post. I compose a reply, make sure to link to the original post, and use the class u-in-reply-to
This is an example reply to <a class="u-in-reply-to" href="https://aaronparecki.com/2018/06/30/11/your-first-webmention">@aaronpk</a>. Thanks to the class `u-in-reply-to`, Micro.blog should send a webmention automaticly.
Micro.blog will automatically send a webmention to the blog post I mentioned, and eventually, my reply will show up there. I did this on my test blog just now. It will be taken down eventually, but you can confirm this yourself right now.
Above is the reply on my test blog…
and here’s the reply on the original blog post received as a webmention.