What is the best way to reply to a blog post outside Micro.blog

I don’t know if this is “the best way,” but at least it is “a way”. :blush:

  1. Start writing your reply.
  2. Make sure to include a link to the post with the class attribute set to u-in-reply-to. Like this: <a href="http://example.com/interesting-blog-post" class="u-in-reply-to">Interesting blog post</a>.
  3. Publish your post, Micro.blog will send a webmention for you thanks to the link you added in the previous step.

Figured this out from the IndieWeb wiki and this blog post by @manton.


Thanks, that seems to work.

Now I only need a way to make Micro.blog treat this hand-crafted reply correctly, because it now shows up under the ‘Posts’ section instead of ‘Replies’.

Could you provide another example from your site?

Well, say, for example, that I would like to reply to this blog post. I compose a reply, make sure to link to the original post, and use the class u-in-reply-to:

This is an example reply to <a class="u-in-reply-to" href="https://aaronparecki.com/2018/06/30/11/your-first-webmention">@aaronpk</a>. Thanks to the class `u-in-reply-to`, Micro.blog should send a webmention automaticly.

Micro.blog will automatically send a webmention to the blog post I mentioned, and eventually, my reply will show up there. I did this on my test blog just now. It will be taken down eventually, but you can confirm this yourself right now.

Above is the reply on my test blog

and here’s the reply on the original blog post received as a webmention.

LOL. This is precisely what I was trying out today and it didn’t work.

Four years later, I still reference @aaronpk when I can't remember the syntax for a  <a class="u-in-reply-to" href="https://aaronparecki.com/2018/06/30/11/your-first-webmention">manual webmention</a>.

I sent the webmention manually now, and it worked. You should see your post in the comment section. Something must be acting up with Micro.blog’s automation; @manton has to figure out what’s wrong. :sweat_smile:

Because their should be a reply button.

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@khurtwilliams one way to get the microformats to pre-populate so it isn’t always manual is to use the Indigenous App (Android…not sure anyone kept the Mac OS one alive)

I use it all the time and publish to micro.blog.

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I’m on iOS.

Based on what’s posted here, I expected that manual Webmentions are unnecessary.

Yeah, me too. As I wrote above, something is/was probably acting up with Micro.blog’s automation. That’s something only @manton can debug, unfortunately.

To make a post show up under ‘Replies’ instead of ‘Posts’, simply start the post with the Micro.blog username. In case you’re replying to a site whose owner is not on Micro.blog, simply use the domain name as the username: @example.com.

As stated by other commenters, also include a link to the post you’re replying to and Micro,blog will automatically send a Webmention.


I’m wondering if anything has changed with these instructions. I made a post like this:

<a class="u-in-reply-to" href="https://aaronparecki.com/2018/06/30/11/your-first-webmention">aaronpk</a>. Hopefully I got this Webmention syntax figured out now.

I’m using the syntax @sod suggested and putting the site first so it is a reply as @jeroensangers pointed out. Unfortunately neither outcome happened; it appeares on my site (bobsica.com) as a post, not a reply, and the Webmention is not visible on Aaron’s website.

Any advice on fixing these issues would be appreciated.

It should still work the same way, but something might be up with the automatic sending of webmentions. You could try sending the webmention manually by entering your blog post’s URL into this form. If that works, @manton will have to dig into what’s up with the automatic webmention feature.

Yes, thank you, you are correct, I took the post URL and put it in manually and it appeared on Aaron’s page. @manton when you have a chance would you please investigate? No picture appeared, but there wasn’t one with your test post either. I can post the Success page I got from Aaron’s blog if it would be helpful.

The other thing not happening is my reply did not show up in the reply section of my blog; there is a replies directory in the template, but this is my first reply, would there be something else I have to do to make it appear in Replies?

You can’t make it appear in Replies, it’s just an ordinary blog post (that happens to feature a webmention). Replies, in the context of Micro.blog, are replies you make on the Micro.blog timeline by tapping the Reply link:

Ok, that makes sense. So when I reply to an external (not micro.blog) blog, my initial message is a post. If the external blogger answers that post and I answer, are the subsequent messages replies? Or are replies only internal to micro.blog?

It depends on how you answer. If you do it by creating a blog post with a webmention, it’s a blog post. If you use Micro.blog’s built-in reply functionality (pictured above), it’s a reply.

Got it. Thanks very much for all your help with this.

I’ve been working on making this work with my theme.

Thank you, @sod!

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