For my already published posts, that’s not available. I’m talking about the feature that lets one crosspost to places like Threads or the former Twitter. Are you talking about the compose window instead, the one where it takes extra clicks to see cross-post options and categories? That’s the one I hadn’t thought to try out.

How? Other than manually.

@MitchWagner Manual crossposting is still crossposting. But you can also set up a Drafts action to open the app where you need it to open. (Presumably making the action paste wouldn’t be too hard either.) This is a 2014 list, but the few I’ve tried still work.

@MitchWagner Yep, this URL will open the Facebook app and populate the compose window with the contents of your Drafts.app note:fb://composer?text=[[draft]]. I’ve never tried to string multiple such actions together with x-callback, so I don’t know if that part works, but this still ain’t nothing.

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The x-callback version doesn’t appear to work (opens app, but doesn’t open composition window and populate it with the text in the Draft), but that simple URL could still be placed at the end of a consecutive series of posting actions. Same problem with Threads, though, so both couldn’t be part of the same consecutive series.

Wow, thanks everyone; haven’t been on here that much during the weekend but boy do I have to do some reading / catching up. :see_no_evil: For what I saw, briefly browsing across the responses, is that apparently I need to make up my mind first what I actually want to achieve, and this feels more challenging than ever, basically because the platforms do work in different ways and seem (at least for / in me) cause different styles of communication and interaction. Like, Mastodon / Twitter / Bluesky was, is much more about short messages apparently, but also it had me end up doing more communication, reading more posts, replying to more comments, ending up way more often in short, witty conversation threads. On micro.blog, Friendica, Hubzilla and all the “longer” platforms, it feels like me ending up repeatedly in writing more than reading, replying more to comments to my own posts than replying to what others wrote. Which feels calming but also bad in a way. I should retreat to my chamber for a while I guess… :slightly_smiling_face:

That sounds like a lot. I’m guessing it would be difficult to make sense of everything, if you pulled everything in on a PESOS model. Even though I interact on multiple shorter form platforms, I still wouldn’t know what to do if I pulled in all my replies to make them mine. POSSE works just fine for me. I write and use tools to help get the message out. And then I hang out in the different places according to my whims and needs, never worrying about catching up on everything.

  • If I understand correctly, you’re already on Fediverse platforms. That helps make sure your stuff is yours already. I’d suggest you think about this in terms of POSSE so that you get your actual writing done and shared to the different places, whether as a link to your blog or as a crosspost. Then continue to read and chat as suits you.
  • If reading or chatting makes you want to say a lot about a thing, you probably want to write a blog post anyway (or a follow-up post), one that links to other parts of the conversation that made you want to write this post, and you share that. Still POSSE.
  • Or if you say a lot in a reply, if you say things you’d like to keep, just in case, add a copy of them to your notes, including a link, so you have the material for future reference.
  • If you notice you’re saying a lot in replies to people, and you wished you could archive it, then add some PESOS to your IndieWeb setup. You’ll just have to decide whether it belongs in your main blog feed or on a separate page.

Really, though, just do whatever feels right, and reflect when necessary. You might not come up with an answer right away, but your purpose and options will become clearer over time. It’s taken me less than 20 years to figure out what I think I’m doing. :wink:

Finally, in writing this list of suggestions, it occurs to me that this activity we’re involved in is often part of a larger system of note-taking and journaling, not to mention doing other kinds of reading. If the POSSE–PESOS framework by itself doesn’t help you to think clearly enough about the why and how of what you’re doing, maybe you need to zoom out and think about the rest of your information and writing ecosystem. But only if that helps you. Confusion and chaos can be productive too. (If I personally am confused, I find thinking by writing on paper helps. Or walking and talking to myself – I can stop and record a memo or write down a few things, if need be.)

Okay, enough of my blathering.

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Yesterday I wrote up some thoughts about the Apple announcement and posted them within seconds of each other to my blog and Facebook. I also cut-and-pasted them into LinkedIn, the Mac Power Users forum, and Reddit.

I often do this kind of thing. It’s not POSSE because I’m not linking back to my original post on mitchw.blog. Sometimes I do link back, but that seems a little uncomfortable so I’m doing that less.

I’d love it if I could just post once and then somehow @mention communities I participate in, the same way I can flag a user here, on Micro.blog, Mastodon, etc. But I don’t see that happening soon.

You could do this with LinkedIn (connected Micro.blog there, turning off crosspost by default, then one clicking that after you post to push the post there). But Facebook does not support a posting API. Reddit does not support a posting API. And to my knowledge, Discourse does not have a posting API.

So it’s really not even a Micro.blog thing-- it’s mostly those communities existing in software that explicitly block (or charge five figure fees for API access) the ability to deliver content automatically not authored in their tools.

For example, MB used to support Facebook, briefly, until they made it business pages only, among other things.

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Good points. I’m not criticizing Micro.blog for most of this. Yeah, there are some features I’ve requested for cross-posting—but the majority of problems aren’t with Micro.blog. They’re inherent in the siloed nature of the social internet.

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