Microblog-generated archives

My search results on DuckDuckGo include archives for individual years. I’m glad of that, but their headings have a language error that looks bad both in the search results and on the relevant archive pages of my blog. These headings for a single year are rendered in the plural. See, for example, this screenshot from DuckDuckGo.


In case it’s relevant, I’m using Tiny Theme, but I’m pretty sure the problem is not with that.

I would really like a fix. Like many people here, I make my living with language, and this ongoing error is embarrassing. Thank you @help

Your category name is 2024s. That’s where the title is coming from for this page 2024s | Mark Stoneman

based on seeing Category: 2024s as your h2.

The title element has <title>2024s | Mark Stoneman</title> which looks like categor y + | + site title.

But I didn’t set up this category. That is my point.

… I don’t see how that’s possible unless your blog theme does that.

Your theme must. I have no such categories or pages.


I noticed that my blog (using sumo) is doing the same thing 2024s | Ross Karchner

Mine’s Tiny Theme, so maybe we need to ask Matt about this.

That’s odd. I’ll see about it tonight.

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So interestingly, the route exists on my blog but just points to my full Archive page. 2024s

Maybe this is something micro.blog is doing somewhere.

Actually, after a quick look, this appears to be a Micro.blog thing. Here it is on Manton’s site. You can see the page name in the title bar on sites that don’t include it within the theme.

(Edit: @jsonbecker came to a similar conclusion right before I posted.)

This is definitely strange. Micro.blog doesn’t do anything special for year folders like that, so we must be hitting some Hugo pluralization edge case.

It’s an accident that /2024 even works. We don’t link to that anywhere that I’m aware of.

I’m going to add an explicit _index.md file for each year page to override the title. Don’t try to add this yourself… Because of how Micro.blog caches the content structure, it will cause problems.

I see that this is a Hugo feature: Template list of content adding `s` to section name as page title (.Title) - support - HUGO

If there aren’t objections, I’m going to set that config to false going forward, starting tomorrow. I’ll also add it to the list of allowed overridable config names.


Thank you.

Thank you for having a look at this.