Excluding a category from the blog homepage

I have managed to get it working, but the other way around. Basically, display posts with specific categories, not exclude them. It should be possible but just can’t think of a simple way.

I did this alteration on the default homepage post listing. My use case is I copy all my Letterboxd reviews to my Micro.blog but I don’t want them to show up on the homepage (because I watch a lot of movies and don’t want them to clog up the view).

It seems to work at first, but it actually only filtered out the first four posts. Once it hits a post that passes the “if not” test, the subsequent Letterboxd reviews show on the page. :sweat:

<ul id="post-list">

{{ if or .IsHome .Site.Params.paginate_categories }}
	{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.Pages.ByDate.Reverse "Type" "post") }}
	{{ $list := $paginator.Pages }}
	{{ range $list  }}
		{{ if not (in .Params.categories "Letterboxd") }}
		{{ partial "post-item.html" . }}
		{{ end }}
	{{ end }}
{{ else }}
	{{ $list := where .Site.Pages.ByDate.Reverse "Type" "post" }}
	{{ range $list  }}
		{{ if not (in .Params.categories "Letterboxd") }}
		{{ partial "post-item.html" . }}
		{{ end }}
	{{ end }}
{{ end }}


{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where (where .Site.Pages.ByDate.Reverse "Type" "post") ".Params.categories" ne "Letterboxd") }}

You do not want to filter after paginating or after doing a range. You want to filter out these posts at the first point you’re developing what set of pages are valid for your collection.

In @pratik’s case, something like this

{{ $posts := where (where .site.RegularPages "Type" "post") ".Params.categories" eq "Motherboards" }}

Would work. Or something quite similar.

I believe this doesn’t work as the categories param is a list. I got this working. Doing it as a negative is trickier.

{{ $posts := where site.RegularPages "Type" "post" }}
{{ $posts = where $posts ".Params.categories" "intersect" (slice "dev" "sample") }}

cc @pratik

Thanks! This works for now. I tried all sorts of different permutations for the previous suggestion and it just doesn’t seem to want to work. It’s a bit of a pain having to jump in and update every time I add a category, and doesn’t work well with putting posts in multiple categories. Would love to see a plug-in that simplifies this. :slight_smile:

Hugo’s symdiff function returns the symmetric difference between two collections. That’s just a fancy way to say: “give me the things that are in either of these collections but not in both”.

So, if you have all posts in one collection, $posts, and posts from the category you want to exclude in another collection, $hidden_posts, you can get all posts sans excluded posts with $posts | symdiff $hidden_posts. Something like this:

{{ $posts := where site.Pages "Type" "post" }}
{{ $hidden_posts := where $posts "Params.categories" "intersect" (slice "Hidden") }}
{{ $posts = $posts | symdiff $hidden_posts }}

In the example above, $posts will contain all posts except posts in the category Hidden .


Nice! Thank you, @sod. Learnt a new thing. This should do what @pratik needs.

Replace line 2 in layouts/index.html with this code block that Sven shared. Place categories that you want to exclude in second line next to slice (for example, dev, tech in the example),

{{ $posts := where site.Pages "Type" "post" }}
{{ $hidden_posts := where $posts "Params.categories" "intersect" (slice "dev" "tech") }}
{{ $posts = $posts | symdiff $hidden_posts }}

I have tested this, works as expected.


This is fantastic. Thanks, @sod, @amit and @jsonbecker. This is why I love Micro.blog. You get to learn new things every day.

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You are all rocket scientists as far as I am concerned, or Wizards! I like wizards better!

Resurfacing this topic a bit, anyone ever done changes in the theme, to also remove the category and it’s posts from listing in the archives page? I was trying with some of the code provided here, but I could not. I am basically trying to implement an RSS-Club on my MB. Welcome to RSS Club | daverupert.com

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You may ask @jsonbecker, who has filtered his Archive page to only display longform posts.

Thanks! If I look at such code, I can make it work for me!

You’ll want to edit layouts/_default/list.archivehtml.html using the same technique for the range there I think. The way I do my page is different and more complex, but I’m 95% sure that template (which is a default template) is where the normal archive page is made from.

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Hello. Another one more to resume this topic.

I’m in doubt about which line I should replace with the code suggested by sod.

Would be this highlighted line in the image below?

Two line below that, where it says where .SitePages.ByDate.Reverse “Type” “post” which means “Filter all the pages (ordered by date descending) where the type attribute is post”. Though I think that the line below that is weird because it’s referring to .Paginator.Pages and not the $paginator variable you save things to.

Precisely what theme are you using and what are you trying to achieve?

I should also note that for customization questions the Hugo docs and forums are almost always better than Micro.blog — the answers are the same, someone has probably already asked and provided sample code, and if not, there are far more experts to answer. There are only a few of us on here with Hugo experience.

I’m using Tiny Theme.

I want to exclude posts with a defined category from my home page. More specifically: I want all Letterboxd logs for my watched movies to be on my “movies” page, but not show up on my blog homepage. Thanks for your response.

By your “movies” page, do you mean the page for your “movies” category? Or are you creating a special page?

I mean movies category.

If you follow the code suggestions mentioned above, you can exclude one or more categories from your homepage. After that, use the auto filter feature (premium only) to categorize anything with a Letterboxd URL with the “movies” category. Then your .../category/movies page will show you what you mentioned above.

I’ve created a pull request to add this as a feature to the Tiny Theme. This would read from categories listed in your configuration.