Cross-posting to Twitter, Medium, Mastodon, and more

I checked for a JSON feed here and it exists:

I just woke up so may be missing something but this default feed is the one that works for me and I recall your cross-post feed ending with atom.

Try setting the URL above as a cross-post feed perhaps.

I’m trying to cross-post from Hey World to MB then syndicate to Medium. So the source feed is HEY World which is only ATOM.

Okay, I hit a deadend with what I was trying and am awaiting some official word for the new topic I started. I didn’t expect my attempt to mirror the existing feed setup to fail.

Update: thought about your setup. If HEY World is cross-posting to your timeline. It might be worth comparing the atom feed with the JSON feed I mentioned. HEY World generates real posts in your timeline which endup in the feed generated by We could try adding the JSON feed as an additional feed and only enable medium from their (not sure what the timeline will make of it, not sure how to exclude it).

Another update: perhaps HEY World is cross-posting independently to your account (when I disable all my feeds, my posts still get created and uploaded to my page, they just aren’t sent to the timeline) which would mean we didn’t actually need to specify the atom feed as the link to the timeline, we could switch it to the JSON feed as the relay. This kinda feels like the right answer but you are a test case for me with multiple bounces).

Regardless, I would hit the “disable” button next to the atom feed. Create a post like normal, see if it ends up on but doesn’t show up in the timeline. This would indicate we could switch the atom feed to the JSON feed and cross-post with it to both the timeline and Medium.

Does crossposting not work if we add a category’s feed as a source in the Account > Feed settings and setup crossposting to networks for each?

It would be very useful because then one could automatically crosspost only content relevant to Medium/LinkedIn say and not have more casual posts go there.

I posted a photo and link respectively but the crossposting setup for their respective categories didn’t work.

The only cross-posting I have managed to make functional is the primary JSON feed. Waiting for manton to weigh in on what is going on.

Topic I started after failing to duplicate the existing JSON feeds: where I am at

I have a suggestion and a question regarding this:

First off, something that does is when you add a feed, it actually creates a draft to post to the blog. You can edit it, then post it yourself.

I think that would be a useful addition, for someone who might want to use HEY World, but also use the feeds feature to actually post the post itself to their micro blog.

Second, the question, is this error due to a problem on mastodon’s side or micro blog’s side:


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I specifically divide my posts into two distinct categories which go to separate socials.
All of them work with this approach except Medium!

N.B. that the category approach doesn’t yet work with .json feeds.

Interesting, I guess I should try sending an RSS feed to Tumblr. Maybe Medium is the problem.

Glad that it’s working for you (except Medium). I have a similar setup for my categories but the posts don’t seem get crossposted anywhere, not even on Twitter or Mastodon. Did you do anything else to make it work?

Okay so I got crossposting to work but it’s still not reliable. How I got it to work? Not sure but I did remove my microblog’s main feed link from the crossposting settings yesterday and only had crossposting on for category feeds. After that, Twitter and Mastodon crossposting worked although some posts haven’t gone to Medium at all, and some crossposts are publishing raw HTML on Medium and Tumblr.

Interesting, I haven’t gotten back to messing around with cross-posting, I may see how Tumblr does with my RSS feed today.

Update: Cross posting stopped working again. Today’s post got posted on Twitter but not on Mastodon, Medium or Tumblr. :confused:
I really want crossposting to work as I consider it a crucial feature to my usage of the service.

Do you recall experiencing cross-posting issues for the primary JSON feed? I know we all want to be able to use categories to fine-tune what goes where; but, I thought it might be helpful if we could isolate the issue to the RSS feeds.

Catching up on this discussion. Cross-posting does not work from category feeds unless a given post only appears in at most one category feed. In other words, to work reliably, you can add multiple category feeds (each of which contain different posts) but can’t have the default feed.json.

The reason for this is because of how processes feeds for cross-posting. When a new post is found, checks whether it needs to be cross-posted, and then to make sure it doesn’t accidentally cross-post something twice, it skips processing it if it’s encountered again in another feed. I’ve thought about how to remove this limitation, but for now it’s tricky to use categories for cross-posting.


Would be really nice to get an official answer regarding cross-posting to Medium issues, though.

When this was first reported, I enabled Medium cross-posting again for my account and it has been working great for me for various types of posts (, so it’s still a mystery why it’s not working reliably for some people. I’m hoping I can add something that will help us debug this.

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I am done trying anyway … my “blog” is now a “personal journal”

Sometimes disabling & enabling, and refreshing seems to help.

Sometimes posts don’t seem to go if too soon after a previous one.

This is useful to know the ‘in 1 category feed’. I guess that’s why I’ve had some success with my very clear #arts or #tech bifurcation.

As the others say, Medium seems a separate issue which would be great to explore!
I’d personally would also be open to cross-posting to similar higher-footfall platforms if integration easier e.g. Substack.

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This is worth figuring out. Seeing as I post more than three times every day, Medium is a dead platform for me until I can conduct targeted cross-posting. The only way I have figured out how to do that is via filter applied category, and that didn’t want to work. Tumblr has been easy peasy.