ℹ️ Following users

The timeline on Micro.blog is made up of posts from people you are following. When someone you’re following posts to their microblog, that post will show up in the timeline for you to see and reply to.

To follow people on Micro.blog, click on their name and then click Follow, or search for their name on the web under Discover → search icon.

You can also follow many people who aren’t on Micro.blog yet. If you know their domain name, Mastodon username, or Tumblr hostname, type that in to the search box. For example:

To follow Mastodon users, you’ll need to enable ActivityPub in Micro.blog. That will also let Mastodon users follow your microblog. This is enabled automatically for new accounts starting October 2022.

Micro.blog is different than other social networks because we want to embrace the full web, so Micro.blog works great with many blogs and IndieWeb-compatible sites.

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