Could we add a delay to RSS and cross-posting?

I write my blog posts in Ulysses, and publish them through their flow, so I don’t know if my request here is valid for everyone. However, I wish I could set a delay for when pushes to the RSS feed and cross-posting.

Here’s my reasoning:

Not rarely, I will add different types of embeds to my posts, which might or might not render as intenden. I also try to write posts in both English and Norwegian, and add special links to these. (I will then publish the English one, copy the link and add it to the Norwegian, then publish the Norwegian, copy that link and update the English post with this link.) I’m also a dummy who makes mistakes, like forgetting to add the tag, and other stuff.

And while Ulysses supports updating posts, it seems like separate posts gets pushed to the RSS feed everytime? Things like Mastodon cross-posting is also affected by this duplication, I think.

Now, this is of course also a good thing, as you don’t want the old entry to be the only one. But these are my questions:

  • Would it be a good idea to be able to set a delay (like an hour), and pushing the state of the blog post an hour after first publishing to the RSS feed?
  • Or is there a way for me to see the rendered version of blog posts if I push them as drafts or scheduled?

I also have another workaround planned, but I wanted to air this idea anyway!

(This is the workaround: I always tag my long posts with either the tag “English” or “Norsk”. So the two feeds I front, is the two attatched to those specific keywords, and not something like “All long posts”. So I could refrain from adding those tags until I’m sure it’s done.)