Multiple/boolean categories, search, tags (or something)

Is there any way to search or filter for multiple categories (boolean AND or OR)? Is there any way to add tagging capability? Creating and categories that mimic such combinations (ala AND anyway) feels like it will quickly become unwieldy.

For example, I have a lot of chess material on my site. The category “chess” works fine. But if I want to provide a way to view posts that belong to both “chess” and “tactics” (to differentiate those posts from posts about tactics for another game), I can only think to create a category called chess-tactics or the like.

You would have to customize your theme with a template for a page that filtered with those conditions. They are not available by default, as this is built on a static site generator and creating any/all combinations at build time is not feasible.

If you create a combined category by hand, that would obviously work as well, but if there are specific combinations you’d want to always have available, a custom template or feed would be the way to go.

This is one downside of a static site-- there’s no database query to live generate content pages/lists based on logic at run time. That’s also part of why the sites are much faster, way less prone to security issues, etc.

Thanks! Makes sense. I might be trying to smash the proverbial square peg here :slight_smile: