Error with PaperMod Theme from GitHub

I have imported the PaperMod theme from y’all’s GitHub repository to use. It is giving me an error though. See image.

Please help!

Go to the design tab. Go to edit custom themes. Select the theme. Select layouts/shortcodes/collapse.html to edit it. It should look like this:

{{ if .Get "content" }}
{{ if .Get "summary" }}
{{ else }}
{{ warnf "missing value for param 'summary': %s" .Position }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ errorf "missing value for param 'content': %s" .Position }}
{{ end }}
<p><details {{ if (eq (.Get "openByDefault") true) }} open=true {{ end }}>
  <summary markdown="span">{{ .Get "summary" | markdownify }}</summary>
    {{ .Get "content" | markdownify }}

Delete everything above the <p> tag so that you end up with this:

<p><details {{ if (eq (.Get "openByDefault") true) }} open=true {{ end }}>
  <summary markdown="span">{{ .Get "summary" | markdownify }}</summary>
    {{ .Get "content" | markdownify }}

warnf and errorf not only aren’t defined for our version of Hugo, you’d never see their output if they were.