Disabled plug-ins

I blogged about a change briefly here but thought I’d expand on it. When you install a theme from the plug-ins directory now, Micro.blog disables any previously installed plug-ins for your blog. This avoids the need to uninstall an old theme first, which would needlessly re-publish your blog with no theme set. You can enable a disabled plug-in, or (better) you can re-install it and that will disable other themes.

There are no buttons to disable a theme, because I want to avoid cluttering this screen and making it feel too finicky to manage plug-ins. The goal is just to do the right thing when installing new themes.

Micro.blog only attempts to disable/enable full themes that have a theme.toml template, not any other plug-ins. Of course you may want to have several plug-ins installed and enabled in addition to the main theme.

The Design page has also been updated to direct people to Plug-ins for any theme changes from now on. The old grid of theme thumbnails was never going to scale to all the themes we will have.

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Thanks. FYI. I almost never see your blog posts so I only notice updates when something breaks.

Related, there now appears to be no way to fully uninstall/remove a plugin-based theme? I was previously using Marfa but switched to Tiny Theme about a week ago.

All has gone well until I just hit a 404. It’s rendering using the disabled Marfa theme. I tried a full rebuild, but the problem persists.

In case someone ends up in this thread regarding 404s, here’s the answer from Manton on the timeline:

[T]he 404 handling might feel a little glitchy because it caches the custom 404 page for an hour. Also if anything is slow, it reverts to the default 404 for performance. Maybe we can improve this.