LinkedIn company pages

Is there a way to crosspost to a LinkedIn company page?

Not currently. I think I looked into this briefly last year and I can look again to see if it’s something we can support later. Thanks!

You probably looked on my recommendation.
I’d support this because:
posting to personal profile is limited to 1st degree connections, which excludes mere Followers.
Given that posts are public anyway, I see no reason to stifle reach.
Hence, public company pages are the most natural destination for feeds relating to a specific topic.

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@manton I’d want posting to LinkedIn company pages too. Either way, I can confirm that crossposting to a LinkedIn profile via sets the Share settings to 1st degree connections only, which is limiting. The post also doesn’t show any link card preview of the post on LinkedIn like it does on crossposted Twitter or Mastodon posts. LinkedIn posts just show the plain text and the URL.

@warner You can use to post to your LinkedIn profile or company page by providing your RSS feed. In its feed settings, you can set the type of share as “Link” to generate card previews and also set post visibility to Public.

@manton any plans to improve LinkedIn cross-posting to include these improvements, given what I’ve said about malfunctioning in general?
Would rather avoid a 3rd party solution, whose shoddy free tier I’d have to use, but will adopt in New Year if M.b doesn’t serve.

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+1 would be really interested in support for this @manton

+1 for me too. Looks like I’ll be hooking up some zapier voodoo otherwise.