Cross-posting to Twitter, Medium, Mastodon, and more

Update: I removed the category feeds from crossposting settings after @manton’s cleared when it would and wouldn’t work (thanks!), and tried only the main RSS feed. Medium still didn’t work, and Tumblr had formatting issues. But then I removed the RSS feed and added the default JSON feed. Everything, including Medium, is working perfectly since the last 4-5 days! So maybe as @Moondeer pointed out, there could be something off about RSS specifically. In any case, I’m too afraid to swap feeds and test again since everything is finally working. But I’m glad it is. :slight_smile:

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Thanks! HEY World only support ATOM RSS feeds. I’m out of luck until @manton update the cross-posting engine to support more formats.

Or until the much better resourced team making Hey update their product.

Or more ressources on the MB side… as I think in recent weeks there is some lack of active improvements…

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What type of resources would you suggest? As far as I’m aware there is no quick way to solve for a pandemic or add more developers, other than terrible VC funding and the like.

Is MB a side-line for @manton ? Is there other people involved in maintaining this platform? I wasn’t expecting the pandemic to be an issue for an internet-only business like MB. I could be wrong, for sure.

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Good questions. However, I think I’ve derailed the thread topic by this point. So I’ll just post my reply on my blog.

agghh: a trade-off:
a) (as you do) forego categories and post to Medium / others more reliably (with main JSON)
or b) (as I do) use RSS categories to split destinations but accept Medium is a no-go and others may be janky

I’ll stick with b because of my specific arts | tech audience split, and the fact that I’m hopeful that @manton will solve tech problem / Medium will be swamped by another platform like Substack anyway if not :smiley:

Which is why it is odd that nobody ever takes me up on my offer to work for free (as I am bored and have the good fortune of not needing an income).

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The problem is simple: work one what exactly? Do you have access to MB back-end?

Not I … just chiming in on the topic.

My experience with Medium crossposting is that they are crossposting, but in Medium they aren’t showing their title. I think maybe medium has a difference between the title of the post (in the edit/list view) and actually including that title in the post itself.

I’ve confirmed what @toddgrotenhuis said. We are passing the title to Medium in the API, but according to the Medium documentation it does not show that title directly:

The title of the post. Note that this title is used for SEO and when rendering the post as a listing, but will not appear in the actual post—for that, the title must be specified in the content field as well.

I’m making a change to today to add an h1 header tag at the top of the cross-posted content that will include the title. Thanks everyone!

can anyone verify whether this has made it work for them, including cases where it wasn’t posting at all?

One thing I wish we could do is change how posts are cross-posted to Twitter. Currently, if a post contains a title, just the title and a link back to the post are sent to Twitter. What I’d love to be able to do is to have the title post, and then also as much of the beginning of the post that would fit with a link back – essentially, I want to optimize Twitter’s 280 character limit in cases where the title and link are shorter than 280 characters. Also, having the truncated beginning of the post provides a sort of preview which I think is handy on Twitter. I realize not every user might like this, so maybe this could be functionality added via a plugin to override the default MB behavior? This would also come in handy for podcast posts as the beginning of the description and not just the title would be cross-posted. Any thoughts?


This is a good idea. I would like the ability to add an excerpt when publishing a long post, even without cross-posting in mind; however, it would be excellent if this excerpt was then automatically included in the cross-posted tweet.

It would also be great to include a featured image but I can only imagine that would take longer than just the text excerpt.

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I don’t think it works this way, but it’s possible @manton could change how cross posting works to be based on a Hugo template. If he did, it’s be easily overridden with templates.

Can confirm that m.b hosted blogs now fully pass titles to Medium posts

FYI cross-posters:

Twitter are trying to neuter 3rd party posting. Not only do algo’s already slam (as @chrisaldrich has shown), they now include a source references, at least on web UI e.g.:

Clicking on it takes you to Twitter FAQ which explains:

If they’re going to expose 3rd party posting (making it look less authentic), they should at least have the courtesy to link to the platform rather than to their own FAQ page!

Anyway, thought y’all should know.

Haven’t they always included the client reference - it used to link to an address provided when you registered to use the API, but it’s always been there even if various clients made it more / less prominent.

I deliberately used Tweetdeck for a while because that’s always shown it and I was interested in who was using which tools.